
  sPlayer Generation 3

SuperStar Player is a advanced mp3 player. You can use enque window , multiple playlist , bookmark window . For your pleasure you have skins and visualizations . You can customize sPlayer to your desire because sPlayer is highly configurable . Edit the tag of mp3 files ( both v.1 and v.2 ) . Export playlist for viewing as html or text format.

Some of the sPlayer's enhancements are: multiple playlists , enque system , bookmark system , skins , visualizations , fade in & out on tracks , highly configurable program , edit tag v.1 & v.2 , html/txt playlist export ... and many more .

sAgent makes it easier for you to have control over sPlayer.
With the new option: 'Alpha Blending' , sPlayer was a new and enhancing look that takes it into the next generation.

You can dwnload one of the 3 version sPlayer comes in:
Full that includes all dependency , skins , visualizations , help files ( html format ) , etc ...
Lite that includes the exe and all dependency files , sAgent addin , default skin and help files ( text format ) or ...
superLite that includes everything the lite version includes except dependency files ( the list of dependency files are in the Download section )
Download them from 'download' section.

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